Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Friday, October 30, 2009

Genuine YOU!

Claim nothing that is not true of your real self - your Christ-Self. I keep hearing people talk about "my diabetes, my arthritis, my ....". Quit taking these experiences in as if they were family members or good friends. Be very careful as to what you claim for yourself because it will show up on the screen of your life ready for full expression.

Claim what is true of your real self. Study your Bible and sacred texts; and meditate or listen to the Holy Spirit - indeed the Living Spirit within you to know what is true of you. Then boldy be that genuine YOU!

Want to know more... You can read this article in the expanded version in ASCEND e-Zine, a Living Spirit publication for living an abundantly joyful life. Send an email now to to order your yearly subscription with 50% savings.

Live, Laugh and Love Well and out Loud,
In the Living Spirit.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sometimes it does seem hard to get through situations; and more difficult still is trying to know GOD is with us even through the hard, dark and even ugly and disappointing situations. But when we LOOK UP, by changing our perspective from “half empty to near full” we see GOD in the midst and we can GET UP and move beyond the current circumstances.

We learn that there is value here in what we are going through and that we are being lifted to higher ground. The circumstances are happening to give us golden nuggets and answers to move into better options and up to higher standards. We begin to see that it's an experience that we're going through and therefore a change will come because experiences don't last forever; that this too will pass, unless we keep holding onto them and to the emotion to which we gravitated.

Hold onto GOD PRESENCE and gravitate to LOVE. When we recognize that the Presence of GOOD and MERCY and HOPE is alive and with us right there in our goings on, we begin to come up out of the hole. Recognizing the Presence of GOD leads us to see good in the midst, and, doing so gives GOD the glory.

When we glorify GOD-the Generous Giver in the midst, victory spills out, splashes forth and blooms all over, in and through us, lavishly. GOD’s giving is priceless. Oh-h-h yeah-h-h, I can feel this. It's joy…hope you can too? We need to know GOD in all we do to flow with the ALMIGHTY POWER which makes us productive and makes us who we are.

Search your heart. Think for yourself! Listen to and feel your own inner nudging which is loving, good and nourishing; then you’ll know it is of GOD because GOD is beyond good. Selah baby!

Smooches and Hugs,
Rev. Ethel

Monday, October 26, 2009

HOPE! See the Possibilities and Fly!

As I was reading one of my favorite blogs this morning I was inspired to write this message. The words, "See only the possibilities and fly" came to my mind. Instead of allowing reasons why we cannot, should not or have not done what we aspire to do to infiltrate our mental screen and absorb our attention; let's be caution of what we think and to what images we allow to remain in our mind's eye. I urge you to visit the blog, Read the post entitled "Reclaiming Great Relationships" and view the video under the author's post entitled "No Fear, No Doubt, Just Fly!!!"

We become what we think about consistently; so think about exactly what you want to experience. Each one of us is being pulled and pushed by the Universal Upward Pull, that I know to be GOD--the Life Force in action. It is what we are here to do. Life is always urging our best--the best we can be in each given moment. First we must develop a loving inner relationship knowing God as our true nature. From that point we begin to see that it matters not what someone else is aspiring to do because they have been called to do their own specific work just as each one of us individually has been called to do. We begin to see no need for insecurities nor envy; that nobody else can do what each of us has been called to do. We begin to see hope for our lives, therefore eliminating mindless bickering, fighting and senseless killings. I believe where there is light (health and hope) there is peace, prosperity, constant becoming-ness and joy.

Without doubt, I pray that this will "JUMP START" your moment and PROPEL you into this Good Day being more of who you were created to be.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Become Inspired! Eliminate Frustration

Here is a message sent to me via email which I found very helpful. I hope you find it helpful too.

Every time you feel frustration, you have an opportunity. You have the opportunity to create positive value out of a negative situation.Frustration is an unmistakable signal that things could be better. And though you may be completely unable to change the outside circumstances, at the very least you can change yourself for the better. Instead of becoming mired in your frustration, let yourself become inspired by it. Know that your frustration is pointing you to some positive, valuable action you can take. That action may end up bringing great value to thousands or even millions of people. Or it may simply be a positive change in your own perspective, which is also of much value. Frustration is indeed unpleasant, and that's how it gets your attention. Yet once frustration has your attention, you can quickly move away from it. As soon as you feel frustration, look to find the positive value that is surely there. And a whole new world of possibilities will open up to you. So go ahead, use it to your advantage
by Greg Palmer

A personal acquaintance who sent it to me:
Nancy Peebles-Moore
Fabulous Realtor
Coldwell Banker West Shell