Dear Ethel,
Thank you very much! I deeply appreciate this gift, but
more than all...our spiritual connection.
The meaning of music is
not to be found in a music book.
To find the meaning of music, we have
to listen to music -and even then,
we may not be able to put its meaning
into words.
Music has a meaning that words are often inadequate to
Frienship is like music.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Indeed our spiritual connection is the most valuable friendship builder and stabilizer. First, it is our knowing and then holding to the truth within that helps us all overcome the divisiveness caused by petty, hateful, envious and fear-based lies that we have accepted about ourselves and others.
When we learn who we really are as divine beings; and hold to the truth that we are all offspiring of the one and only Divine Creative Life Force, we begin to understand that all any of us has to do is to get still and tap into the essence of God within us.
We can then realize that each one of us are here for a magnificent reason and that we are the channels throug h which the glorification of God is to be and can be expressed; that each one of us is here to express the divinity from inside of us. Then the need to fret or fear being upstaged or downplayed by one another can cease to exist because in reality there is no reason for reality it has no purpose. However it will continue to exist as long as we keep thinking that we are separate from our Creator and therefore separate from one another which cultivates divisiveness. Let's refuse to partake in the games of divisiveness and affirm the ever-loving, all-wise and ever-embracing and uniting power of divine Love to teach us who we are as loving children who are created for one purpose -to channel divine energy, but having multiple jobs and responsibilities which are to be represented through each one of us.
God is purposeful. May we learn what we need from one another to move on to higher levels in our understanding and awareness to consequently show forth love and plentitude in our demonstration of the wonderment of life.
Blissful blessings always in all ways desired,
Rev. Ethel