Inspirational interludes to encourage, uplift and free the mind for the expression of our Authentic and indeed our very Best Self. This is a site for "Light" shiners.
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Monday, February 22, 2010
2010 Plunge into Favor
Only by getting still, and letting go of all thoughts of lack, unworthiness and negativity can we really know that we have all that we need right here in the moment. Take a deep whiff of the Living and Pure Spirit which breaths us all and moves us all and activates all. God does not favor one over the other. We walk in favor when we identify with the qualities and character of our Source. This is the truth of our beingness. The more that we recognize that we are one with God, the more we are consequently fed mentally, spiritually, and physically the Essential Substance that lies back of all life's endeavors.
Yep! Highly favored are we! ... but one has to know who one is to know the favor.
Our charge in life is to plunge into the divine favor that is infinite and all pervasive good. That means, this good is within and all around us. Until we look within and spend some time there, listening to the Divine's inner and personal message to us; we will have difficulty taking the plunge into favor. But, when we get still and listen, we will find that not only are we here to take the plunge, but we are here to do it because it fortifies and blesses the greater good of all spiritual/human beings. We are not here for selfish and self-centered reasons. The whole body is always the concern of the Lord (Divne Law -God in action).
"...All things work together for good of them that love the Lord (the Law --God in Action). But the responsible part of that scripture is "for those who love the Lord and are called unto His purpose" We are called unto a purpose; let us walk by faith in the awareness that our time is now because there is no other time.
Get still, (meditate) and learn of God's purpose for your life. We are here to fully express greatness and excellence which is of our true nature; rather than spew out the lies that we have allowed to poison our minds as learned by the external world. This is what God is - EXCELLENCE. There is nothing mediocre in or about God; only in those small limited minds which are not aligned with Truth and the Will or Way of the Divine Mind.
Come on...get aligned; take the 2010 plunge. We are the excellence of God in expression and in action or we are the expression of a lie. It's all about you! It is our choice as to with what we fill our minds and allow to be expressed through our behavior; either the qualites of Divine Mind or the lies of the world. It is our choice.
You've tried everything else now try God-Essence-within you.
Love and Light always,
Rev. Ethel
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Awaken to The Power Within
Many people have their specific church related 40-day Lenten programs that they follow; for those who do not, or even for those who may want to experience an additional Lenten tradition, I invite you to join me in a 40-day experience to touch and agree and dedicated to cultivating our true and authentic potential -- our Christ–consciousness. The “Christ-in-me” is more than a mind-set it must become our reality.
It is 2010 and this marks the beginning of a new era and a major change in what I am thinking and feeling.. I don’t know about you but I need a makeover. The year began with a startling but clear awakening for me and many others with whom I have spoken. I have known and said for many years, “If it is to be…it is up to me” but somehow this new dawning is more surreal, almost, as if I were in a dream yet daunting things were actually happening in my experiences.
I know that the only way I can do anything is with God through Christ in me my hope of glory. I have had a major shake-up, which translates in my life affairs as a “wake-up” and filters right down to what I am or am not doing with the life with which I have been blessed.
Prior to the telecast, go to to download the free Pdf copy of 40 Days to an Awakened Christ-Consciousness. The first telecast will begin Ash Wednesday, 2/17/2010 at 5:00pm (CST) and will be casted weekly, at 3:00pm (CST) on Thursdays thereafter until Easter.
To participate by phone Call: (347) 857-3508. (Note: this is not a toll free number, long distance charges may apply) No pass code needed.
“…If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” ~ Matthew 18:19-20
"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Live well and be happy!
Ethel Russell-Ajisomo, Min., M.A., C.Ht.
Intuitive Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer
Friday, February 12, 2010
Lord's Prayer - An Interpretive View - What does it mean to you?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Marvel at the Living Spirit!

It is a beautiful, no…simply marvelous day. Well, what is it to marvel about… You might ask; since it is snowing outside and has been since last evening? The roads are slushy and the clouds give an overshadowing appearance. Those effects do not have to change or impact our affect [a Psychological term meaning a feeling, or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought or action]. That is the marvelous news and the perfected blessing of the day…indeed of the moment. The LORD is our Shepherd, not the extraneous appearances which we sometimes have allowed to dictate our lives. We vow now to stop giving up control and personal responsibility of our thoughts and our feelings to the appearances and outside factors that have no essential meaning or purpose in our lives.
Today is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Standing in the snow I met one of my favorite people in the world. Tony a city worker who helps us keep the city clean by collecting the garbage each week, not only does his job well, but he does it with the grace of God expressing through every pore of his being. We stood in the snow just appreciating the good in the moment; appreciating the fact that we were outside in this weather, able to feel the cool, crispness and the refreshment of the air that comes with winter and provides a jolt of revitalization in the body. We were appreciating God’s love for giving us the beauty of the snow so white and clean and providing for us the mechanism of a job to go to which helps us pay for the things we want in this physical world. We were thanking God for the ability to see snowflakes and to have one another in which to touch and agree. We hardly see one another because of our work schedules but when we do Spirit meets Spirit. That’s what I call “making true love”. True love making has absolutely nothing to do with sex and if you don’t know that kind of love then maybe the sexual relations you may be having actually have little or nothing to do with love at all. Don’t get it twisted and stop being fooled.
Get Up! Marvel at the day…the evening…your smile! Make God proud that you have been chosen to be in this good day!