Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Was Said In The Beginning

God is the only Activity occurring. Remember - "In the beginning God..." [Gen1:1], and "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning [John 1:1]." You and I are entities for the expression of this Activity. What will you express through GodMind today? Will it be from your true-God-begotten Self or from that which others tell you that you should be and/or what others may expect of you? Will it be from your agreement with God that you "can do all things through Christ which strenghthens you"; Christ being the awesome power within you and all humankind to achieve and express excellence. Ask yourself today, What is my mode of operation? Give it deep and serious thought.

We are "the divine idea" ever expressing and unfolding the excellence that our Creative Source is, in and through us. May we keep remembering, (realigning with and reconnecting in mind) with this truth. Be still and know...God is I Am! May we turn our minds entirely to God always for instruction, for health, for provision, for companionship, for deliverance, for Life - indeed for All.

God is the only Activity occurring! In the beginning God!

"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he
who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies
through his Spirit, who lives in you." (Romans 8:11, NIV)

Ethel, In the Living Spirit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Universe Is Calling

In my meditation this morning I heard: "All I can say is that I pray you catch this vision. My wish is that you be clean and clear to see and hear how to ex-press your divine destiny which includes your purposeful intent in this activity of life. May your dreams be realized not only for you but for the universe. "
Your and my (our) purpose are a part of the Divine Plan which encompasses the vastness of the greater good of the universe. We may not understand who our expression will touch nor how it touches; but that is truly the beauty of it all; because we have been given the spiritual, and mental tools and original raw materials to express, we are simply to do so, and that's that.

With Bless-ful intention,
Ethel in the LivingSpirit

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brilliant Gold-Dust

Anyone can show forth glimpses of short-lived eye-appeal; but a beautiful heart, which extends beyond skin-deep or surface level, radiates throughout an enduring track record with few unattractive snippets during off times. The reverse is also true. Ugliness can be seen transparently through a beautiful external facade.

When we willingly admit, recognize and renounce negative, ugly behaviors and patterns that are to be cleansed from our mental pallette, we are no longer doomed to repeat them again and again. Not until we do such cleansing, can we "hold" with consistency the Truth of our being which is purity, love, and beauty. Then we will experience beauty by radiating it in all areas of our lives. This kind of beauty transcends appearance and becomes likened to a most brilliant gold-dust in every facet of our lives--God-dust.

"...What matters is not your outer appearance--the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes--but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in" (I Peter 3:3-4) The Message.

(c) 2010 Ethel Russell-Ajisomo