Life has a way of grabbing our attention in the way that is most meaningful to us. We drive ourselves hard and fast much of our lives; never stopping to smell the proverbial flowers. Today it has come to my mental awareness to stop and be thankful for those things which seem small in my life for it is upon appreciating those things that we can take another step forward which causes our gratitude to grow and expand.
Sometimes losing people, and such things as jobs, material items and "seeming" former pleasures, give the illusion of despair which leads us to think in a stream of fearfulness. Let it go from your awareness as quickly as possible so that you can embrace the way to bigger and better things; things with truer depth and meaning. Sitting in melancholy, licking our wounds only deepens the mental groove of pain and despair. Letting go leads us to develop an open mind which helps us manifest a mental pattern of finding the glory in the situation and if we but hold on, we will make it to the other side - the brighter side of the situation. While holding on we might consider holding in mind the truth that "God is with us and God is in this situation". When we hold to God in the situation then we trust that "this too will pass with God's grace and mercy at the helm.
It's a new day. Rejoice and be glad. New doors are being opened; new ways are being made visible to us and new possibilities are dawning as the former is being released into the melancholy fire. Be still and stand in the state of divine mentality which says God: our Creative Source is with us always...closer than hands or feet but within each of us and Always PROVIDING the best for us.
Happy Manifesting Brothers and Sisters,
In the Living Spirit,
Rev. Ethel