Inspirational interludes to encourage, uplift and free the mind for the expression of our Authentic and indeed our very Best Self. This is a site for "Light" shiners.
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Inspiring word!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A New Song
There is a certain joy in practicing responsibility for our self. It is real freedom and It means we have to do what it takes to make our life work, blaming nobody else for anything but moving onward and Spiritward. If in our doing, we recognize that a power greater than ourselves walks with us and empowers us each moment to do whatever it is that we have been given the "choice" to do; then we know it is imeperative and wise to recognize this energizing Force as much as we can and every chance we can. Walk with God and know God walks with us.
Be anxious for nothing. God is always at work; inspiring and delighting in all that will allow the Living Spirit to show forth through their character. Doing so reflects glorification in truth, peace, beauty, joy, and wonderment. Keep releasing that which does not glorify the truth of God which is also the truth of each woman, man and child. Be still and know God in you. Sure we all have such to release but Christ in us is our hope of glory and we are made to achieve victory. Let's Honor God's gifts inside of us.
To all eyes reading this post, I not only wish you joy; I pray it in the Living Spirit and trust in the Power that can make it so.
Love and Genuineness,
Rev. E.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
La! La! La! The Melody of Friendship Blossoming
Dear Ethel,
Thank you very much! I deeply appreciate this gift, but
more than all...our spiritual connection.
The meaning of music is
not to be found in a music book.
To find the meaning of music, we have
to listen to music -and even then,
we may not be able to put its meaning
into words.
Music has a meaning that words are often inadequate to
Frienship is like music.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Indeed our spiritual connection is the most valuable friendship builder and stabilizer. First, it is our knowing and then holding to the truth within that helps us all overcome the divisiveness caused by petty, hateful, envious and fear-based lies that we have accepted about ourselves and others.
When we learn who we really are as divine beings; and hold to the truth that we are all offspiring of the one and only Divine Creative Life Force, we begin to understand that all any of us has to do is to get still and tap into the essence of God within us.
We can then realize that each one of us are here for a magnificent reason and that we are the channels throug h which the glorification of God is to be and can be expressed; that each one of us is here to express the divinity from inside of us. Then the need to fret or fear being upstaged or downplayed by one another can cease to exist because in reality there is no reason for reality it has no purpose. However it will continue to exist as long as we keep thinking that we are separate from our Creator and therefore separate from one another which cultivates divisiveness. Let's refuse to partake in the games of divisiveness and affirm the ever-loving, all-wise and ever-embracing and uniting power of divine Love to teach us who we are as loving children who are created for one purpose -to channel divine energy, but having multiple jobs and responsibilities which are to be represented through each one of us.
God is purposeful. May we learn what we need from one another to move on to higher levels in our understanding and awareness to consequently show forth love and plentitude in our demonstration of the wonderment of life.
Blissful blessings always in all ways desired,
Rev. Ethel
Saturday, November 28, 2009
1 a.m.- Tom Braxton
Just in a mode of thankfulness I listen to the sweet vibration that comes through the divine expression known as Tom Braxton. Hope it touches you as deeply as it touches me and we all can relish in the goodness of life this moment; in the name of real love and causing us all to know ourselves in a more loving way. When we love ourselves on the real, we can love others genuinely and freely. Love one another as God loves us is our instruction.
Blissful blessings in the breeze!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Marcus Miller - Higher Ground [Live Leverkusen 2007]
Happy Thanksgiving! Yes! It is such a glorious and wonderful blessing to be enabled to appreciate the possibilities in living, moving and having our being in the Creator of higher ground; which means we were made to succeed and keep moving into greatness. Keep moving on Peeps in the glorious power of the Living Spirit of the Omnipresence of God.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Genuine YOU!
Claim what is true of your real self. Study your Bible and sacred texts; and meditate or listen to the Holy Spirit - indeed the Living Spirit within you to know what is true of you. Then boldy be that genuine YOU!
Want to know more... You can read this article in the expanded version in ASCEND e-Zine, a Living Spirit publication for living an abundantly joyful life. Send an email now to to order your yearly subscription with 50% savings.
Live, Laugh and Love Well and out Loud,
In the Living Spirit.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We learn that there is value here in what we are going through and that we are being lifted to higher ground. The circumstances are happening to give us golden nuggets and answers to move into better options and up to higher standards. We begin to see that it's an experience that we're going through and therefore a change will come because experiences don't last forever; that this too will pass, unless we keep holding onto them and to the emotion to which we gravitated.
Hold onto GOD PRESENCE and gravitate to LOVE. When we recognize that the Presence of GOOD and MERCY and HOPE is alive and with us right there in our goings on, we begin to come up out of the hole. Recognizing the Presence of GOD leads us to see good in the midst, and, doing so gives GOD the glory.
When we glorify GOD-the Generous Giver in the midst, victory spills out, splashes forth and blooms all over, in and through us, lavishly. GOD’s giving is priceless. Oh-h-h yeah-h-h, I can feel this. It's joy…hope you can too? We need to know GOD in all we do to flow with the ALMIGHTY POWER which makes us productive and makes us who we are.
Search your heart. Think for yourself! Listen to and feel your own inner nudging which is loving, good and nourishing; then you’ll know it is of GOD because GOD is beyond good. Selah baby!
Smooches and Hugs,
Rev. Ethel
Monday, October 26, 2009
HOPE! See the Possibilities and Fly!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Become Inspired! Eliminate Frustration
Every time you feel frustration, you have an opportunity. You have the opportunity to create positive value out of a negative situation.Frustration is an unmistakable signal that things could be better. And though you may be completely unable to change the outside circumstances, at the very least you can change yourself for the better. Instead of becoming mired in your frustration, let yourself become inspired by it. Know that your frustration is pointing you to some positive, valuable action you can take. That action may end up bringing great value to thousands or even millions of people. Or it may simply be a positive change in your own perspective, which is also of much value. Frustration is indeed unpleasant, and that's how it gets your attention. Yet once frustration has your attention, you can quickly move away from it. As soon as you feel frustration, look to find the positive value that is surely there. And a whole new world of possibilities will open up to you. So go ahead, use it to your advantage
by Greg PalmerA personal acquaintance who sent it to me:
Nancy Peebles-Moore
Fabulous Realtor
Coldwell Banker West Shell
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Divine Empowerment!
O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affiars in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.
O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.- 'Abdu'l-Baha
Monday, September 7, 2009
Notable Quote
"Every time you open your mouth......
you speak your world into existence!
What you SAY is what you GET......
what you say and think about yourself......
what you believe about yourself......
determines every thing that happens to you!"
Peace, Love, and Prosperity
Bishop Xavier,
Rev. Ike Ministries
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Spice Up Your Life!

I am thankful for the power that God is in us: causing us to think, feel say and do -indeed to be. I am thankful for the gift of choice which empowers us to choose things which we desire more of and things that add value and meaning to our lives.
Choose you this day...where will you dwell in your mental world? Which path are you walking? Which words are you speaking? What thoughts are you choosing to direct your actions? Have you made a choice as to what you want to experience in this adventurous journey called life on earth? Are you choosing or are you allowing others to choose for you? These are just a few questions to spice up your life.
But with all diligence keep your mental gaze on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and things that are of "good report" instructs Philippians 4:8; for when we do this the God of peace is with us
Peace be with you.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Go For It!

Emerging from the Baby Boomer era and from an acculturation which among many mental and behavioral patterns, included my having learned to delay my good. I learned to keep or use certain things for "special times" or to wait to use my goods and/or nice, newly purchased items for "special times or special events". I began to find myself asking "when am I going to live my life ...? what am I waiting for? Isn't everyday special? Times have changed and continue to evolve very quickly. If we are going to apply ideas and live out our dreams, there can be no waiting. We must tend to the business at hand...the business of living our dreams and aspirations.
There is no such thing as "playing catch-up"; it is simply start where you are and go for it. If you value love, then love with all you know and with the real love you feel allowing the Master within –your ChristSelf to guide your thoughts and emotions. If you’re going to add more play in your life then add play into your life daily, weekly, monthly as you are spiritually guided. In all things be divinely guided from within (from the indwelling Spirit) and trust that God is working all things for good.
Let us continually break and release (forgive) the old patterns that bind us to things which no longer serve our higher good; for if they no longer serve our higher good individually--they definitely do not serve the greater good of all humanity and the Spiritual fabric of this universe. sings: It's a New Day! May we be responsive to and within this new day.
Go for it!
Amen! Amen!
Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
If It Befits You; Say I Do !
Being left-out can be a blessing, especially when it is not befitting of your unique and loving Self. Sometimes being left-out gives us information as to who is not deserving of the character we have allowed to diligently emerge and know as our Authentic Self. Don't try to force what the Divine Mind is leading you away from.
Be still and know God is at work in, through and behind the scene. If the person, place, or situation in question is befitting of and mutually respectful of who you are; then join in, if not, simply pass on by, release it or love them from afar. The Master Teacher, Jesus said to "knock the dust from your feet" and singer Curtis Mayfield said "keep on pushin'". Everyone whom you know cannot maintain a place in your inner circle; nor you in those with whom you think you may want. God's time has a way of telling us and showing us why.
Be Still! Let God's Process work things out with, for and through you and everyone involved.
Selah! I heard it through the divine vine.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Ever Wonderful!
Because we are blessed we respect ourselves as well as others and do not have to take on the negative emotions of jealousy and resentment etc.; instead we can now choose to be a blessing to others - be it one or several others. Our choices determine our self-confidence and our uniqueness or lack thereof.
In this awareness, we bless as we are intuitively and lovingly led to do so. Those who really know they are blessed are mentally strong enough and spiritually mature enough to encourage, compliment, and even cooperate with others as opposed to being a hindrance. They do not have to be the center of attention nor do they have to put others down or degrade anyone else in order to make themselves appear bigger or better. They also do not have to fight over supply because they know that there is always enough for all, that they simply must turn within for their own proper way to be given to them from the Higher Authority. We are blessed inwardly first which exudes outwardly and spills over into our life, relations and affairs.
We all, each and everyone, are special and unique!
Take the time now to meditate on these things if it resonates with your soul.
Be Blessed and Breezy in the Blissfulness that God is!
PS. Take the poll on the left side of the screen and feel free to leave a comment.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Fait accompli
This was such a victory for me because there were about 10 hills (major inclines) throughout the course. I had always had a mental block concerning hills. But each hill gave me a greater sense of acceptance, value and understanding. My faith was strengthened and deepened with each step I took. I grew closer and closer in Spirit and in motion to the ever living and ever loving invisible OmniPresence of Good that exists and causes us to be.
We are made in the image and after the likeness of extraordinary Power, Intelligence and Love. And our acknowledging and appreciating this truth is expressed by being the living testimony through our actions, behavior, deeds, thoughts and words.
It is true our personalities must be Spiritualized; and mine unequivocably proclaims "I am a God loving person". Let us all Know it, follow it and live it with all of our being.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Apex We Are!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This is your day; Master It!
Although 1 John 1:5, (NLT) tells us, "This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all" this message is not for those who are inspired from the Christian belief alone; it is a universal message.
Whatever you believe that eternal good within you to be...behold it and let it shine through. When we allow it to shine through then we express it in unique and wonderful ways when we speak to and of others, in our thoughts of others, and in our interactions with others. We cannot help but receive the benefits of the love that is being channeled through us individually because we are the conduit for it to occur; however, we must behold or embrace and embody it for it to be true for us with consistency. Master your day.
Be Blessed in Bliss by the Power of the Best!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Your mission is your message.
Go forth into this good day continuously marking your territory with and leaving a path of greatness. What we repeatedly think about, gets bigger and becomes our experience. Magnify the good and wonderful things that you want to experience and see your mission boldly unfold with excellence and truth of which you are destined.
When we begin to make our truth known is when the dynamics of living life with boldness begins. Not everyone will agree with you; in fact there will seem to be no more colluding under the guise of "friendship" or "group affiliation". Stay the course and own your truth; be yourself for nobody else can represent who you are and what you were uniquely created to express.
Good day!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Love The ONE you are with!
Let's Be still! Take a long deep breath and rest in the comfort and peace of our divine-ness. It is this love joined with wisdom which makes us who we are. What that means for each of us is different and will show forth uniquely in our actions. The key is to know that we are made of LOVE-substance when we begin to feel threatened by thoughts of unworthiness, lack, self-doubt and not good enough. Turn within and take a deep breath and drink in the true essence which keeps us on our purposeful path. A-h-h-h-h! Back in harmony.
Taking a drink of love may show forth compassion, kindness and order in our undertakings with ourselves as well as with others. Ponder this at least once a day if you feel just a flicker of truth from this message. Meditate for one week on this affirmation "I am Love and compassion emits from me". Send me an email as to any revelations that you may want to share.
Thanks for taking the time to read and share with us today.
Blessings abound and you are one of them!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Who or what's driving you?
Take a moment now to get quiet by taking a deep breath and focusing on your breath. Then silently tell each muscle in your body to be still. Just listen to the stillness and gain peace in the moment.
As you begin to cut away the external chatter of others and release the internal chatter that we have allowed to lodge within our minds; the Inner Knowing voice will become recognizable. This is our Spiritual connection to our Creative Source which gives our life meaning and has called us to purpose.
Take the time to get to know the Living Spirit within. It is waiting to guide us to our very best life.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Live deeply! Live boldly!
Give thanks now to the Universal Creative Source - God, the Good Omnipotent - for your innate divinity and the ability, fortitude and inspiration to ex-press all that you are made to be.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Breathe and Be!
As I inhale the wholeness of Life in this moment; I am recharged, revitalized, refreshed and filled with gratitude!
As we live in the eternal is-ness of this moment, which is all we have, all we know and all that we are; let us become mindful of and comfortable with the real Self that is not our physical body but mentally and spiritually is deeply behind our body and is in fact projecting our body and the activities, events and objects into our world of affairs.
Just breathe and take a moment to acknowledge the divine Presence that is causing you to feel what that breath is providing - all that we are in this moment.
Blessed always!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Good emerges from within us.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Live Well! Live Wonderful!

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Take Care of Yourself
Relax and rest when you know you need it. Exercise regularly. Feed your mind and your body more and more with nurturing thoughts and natural energy sustaining foods ad beverages.
Don't expect anyone else to do it for you because nobody else can. We are the only ones who know what we need at any given moment. By taking the responsibility for our own lives and our own dispositions, we take an active stance in healing and beautifying the world. We begin to live from a deeper perspective and we have more authenticity to share.
Here's to a magnificent day! Take good care of yourself so that your true caring nature extends into all that you do.
Blessed always in all ways.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What a great day in the essence of life.
It's a good day! Let's rejoice now!