Be phenomenally blessed to dwell in your spiritual domain and to maneuver in divine harmony.
May this be a year of dauntless and remarkable blessings…that success be revealed in every step you take and every major undertaking you pursue.
May we embrace and take hold of the Christ consciousness at deepened levels which lifts us to grand heights. May we be strengthened to do what is necessary to sustain higher levels of attainment and may we be ever so CLEAR as to what to think, feel, say and do each and every moment in our walk with the Living Spirit and Life Force.
It is 2011. Let us embrace heaven and take hold of the divine ideas like never before as we continually gain the staying power and wherewithal to let our actions show forth the fruitful use of these divine ideas . May God's "Will be done in earth as it is in heaven" as taught in Matthew 6:10 (KJV).
In the Christ Presence I speak and decree, knowing the Lord [which means Law ] to be the fulfiller, the revealer, the Giver, the Generous! Amen.
If you agree then affirm it so! If not, take what you can and leave the rest.
"We are already BLESSED by the Best, with the best, for our best to be revealed through our attitudes, thoughts and actions." (Neelie)
In the LivingSpirit,
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