Stay well All - Let's know today, for ourselves and for another person in your life that God is the good and very good provision for the unfoldment of our highest potential now. Keep Your Head to the Sky is what the divine expression of the 70's music group Earth Wind and Fire told us and "the clouds will tell us why" Head Up (click link). Get still and know God within you, in this moment. Keep your focus on your dreams and that which truly matters to you; doing so places our dreams on the path of our goals and on target for formation.
"The clouds will tell us why"; it is because God is Awesome and you and I are individual expressions of "amazing" love. Here's why according to the love that streams through Megon McDonough Amazing (click link).
Heads Up Mr. and Ms. Amazing.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
In the LivingSpirit, I Am.
Inspirational interludes to encourage, uplift and free the mind for the expression of our Authentic and indeed our very Best Self. This is a site for "Light" shiners.
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Inspiring word!
"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
It's a New You Couples

Marriage is a give and receive kind of deal – it takes compromise from BOTH parties involved. If you are unwilling to compromise you will more than likely find yourself lonely. It takes two people to marry, therefore the two involved will need to discuss the hard stuff, the ugly stuff as well as the good and fun stuff to make the marriage work; which then teaches and demonstrates effective ways of dealing with life's issues to the entire family. Your children will learn to handle differently, the situations that they encounter in their daily affairs. Your family's way of discussing topics and handling issues with more reasoning and acceptance will be heightened. It's a new year; try handling your issues in a different way - a lighter and more negotiable way.
Check yourself and take stock; are you wasting and/or abusing life with arguements, fighting and competitive crap; or are you investing in it? If you are investing in it, what are your investments? Are they positive thoughts and loving deeds? Are they meaningful teachings for your children? Are you growing healthily as a family whereby you may be completing physical workouts together? Are your energies focussed on the strength, health and vitalization of your partner and your family or are they antagonistic and bitterly exhaustive? Ask yourself, Do you need to cut your losses and work out a vitiation plan for the children or should you seek professional family or couples counseling? Only you know the answers but this is a new year and time is too PRECIOUS to keep doing the same old things unless the same old things are working for the highest good of everyone involved.
God has given us a mind to dip into the beautiful plethora of infinite possibilities. Start choosing together to partake in those which take you and your family forward; those that involve more and greater joy. Yes, work is a part of achieving the joy; therefore everyone will need to take a role in achieving the work and the challenges will need to be evenly distributed. Here's a thought: take turns exchanging tasks so that everyone involved gets the opportunity to work through different roles and not just the easy, enjoyable and glorious ones. Challenge yourself to make the less desireable tasks more tolerable and share (not push down the throat) your suggestions with your loved ones. I reiterate the word "share". Too often we can allow our ego which is eager to control to get in the way of lovingkindness and reason.Here's to the brand new couples who have made a vow to be the best team they can be in love, truth and respect. This message is sent with love to any couple, married or simply platonic friendships. See what you can do this year to make the relationship better, even if it is just one difference. Look ahead to the end of the scenario and discuss how you both want it to look in 1 month... 3 months...6 months and so on. Then return to it, work together and bring that scenario into reality. Stop allowing daytime and nightime television dramas and society's ill-adjusted conditioning dictate how your relationships will work. Your realationship is yours - take ownership and love it like only your unique self is instructed from within.
Blessings All ~
In the LivingSpirit,
Intuitive Life Coach, New Thought Minister, Public Speaker
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Just A Word
I was thinking about a friend who nudged me on Facebook. In my response to her nudge, I wanted to send out thoughts and vibrations of peace and love to her; and it dawned on me that I want her and everyone I know to receive this vibe. So here it goes beloveds. I believe that everyone (whether I speak to friends in the USA or abroad) is feeling effects from the currents of the universal "shift". Day by day things appear to be changing rapidly. Some of us feel that we may be losing our grip. My reply to that is, "let go". Many of us are holding onto stuff that needs to be released; some of which we don't realize has no meaning other than to take up valuable space and possibly using up and misaligning valuable attention which distracts us from our inherent individual vision. Our individual vision has been purposed and sanctified for use in God's Universal Plan. Your Divine Self is awakened and is growing from within. Take time each day to know yourself on this level by receiving vital substance from inside yourself. Sit still lovlies: you are an offspring of God. Make the time to do what it takes to keep your focus on your vision.
Oh, I know it does not feel very comfortable, but I also know that God (the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, OmniPresence and Creative Source) is my help in every need and is always with me; from which I can never be separated except in my own thinking and awareness of the Presence. With that knowledge and awareness, I know I can queue into the Presence while being guided and supplied. Yes! I am guided and provided in this moment, and if in this moment then in every moment and for every need. Knowing this, I can call forth and engage in peace when I need comforting, sufficiency and freedom from debt, honest-loving-supportive and forgiving friendships and God-inspired relationships. I can call forth health, wholesomeness, strength and flexibility in my body and I can call forth energy, money, tools and all right resources necessary to live my "now-ness". God is constantly providing supply.
This is a word I hear from on High and I hope this word helps you stand firm in this moment so that you can be lifted by the Divine within, higher than that which is happening around you. Let us stand together knowing that the Divine One within does all the work to, through and as each of us and collectively we join for the betterment of all beings.
Keep your focus on your vision.
Know that we have been equiped and therefore furnished for service to deal with this storm.
See ya!
Ethel, In the Living Spirit
Oh, I know it does not feel very comfortable, but I also know that God (the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, OmniPresence and Creative Source) is my help in every need and is always with me; from which I can never be separated except in my own thinking and awareness of the Presence. With that knowledge and awareness, I know I can queue into the Presence while being guided and supplied. Yes! I am guided and provided in this moment, and if in this moment then in every moment and for every need. Knowing this, I can call forth and engage in peace when I need comforting, sufficiency and freedom from debt, honest-loving-supportive and forgiving friendships and God-inspired relationships. I can call forth health, wholesomeness, strength and flexibility in my body and I can call forth energy, money, tools and all right resources necessary to live my "now-ness". God is constantly providing supply.
This is a word I hear from on High and I hope this word helps you stand firm in this moment so that you can be lifted by the Divine within, higher than that which is happening around you. Let us stand together knowing that the Divine One within does all the work to, through and as each of us and collectively we join for the betterment of all beings.
Keep your focus on your vision.
Know that we have been equiped and therefore furnished for service to deal with this storm.
See ya!
Ethel, In the Living Spirit
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Do The Twenty Twelve Delve! Happy 2012
You may remember a dance from the 70's called "the Hustle", well intead of doing the Hustle let's do "The Twenty-Twelve Delve", that is, do the "Delve into 2012's Infnite Possibilities" like never before. For sure, all kinds of things are happening and it's high time we started to live like never before. Included here are some basic guidelines for this dance of life, and once you have the basics - just like any other dance - take these guidelines and form and shape them into your own unique style.
Much Love, Joy, Peace & Abundance,
In the LivingSpirit I Am,
- Release and Let Go of that prior to 2012 which no longer works for your highest good. Do not spend valuable time uselessly trying to will-power these behaviors away; instead invest your time by replacing outdated thoughts and behaviors with what you want to see more of in your life. See the kinds of experiences you truly desire in your mind's eye and keep them there as often as possible.
- Know What You Believe! If your beliefs are wholesome and beneficial to you as well as harmless to others, then you will place trust in them and they will guide your actions in a positive and productive direction. When we begin to see positive and productive movement in our lives, we feel a sense of accomplishment, value and worthiness. Others will willingly contribute.
- Know Yourself and do what it takes to Believe in yourself. You and I are matriculating in this world for a greater purpose than meets the eye. Commit to doing the ongoing introspection and meditation necessary to know yourself honestly so that you can continue to radiate and move from a firm foundation based on truth, clarity and faith.
- Dig Deeper and Focus your time, attention, effort and resources on activities, situations, places and people that invest in and support you and that which you value, rather than those offering a simple stroking of your ego. An ego boost is a quickie - a superficial and temporary pat on the head which requires continual stroking from something/someone outside of ourselves. When we are truly energized from within we begin to use our God-given talents, gifts and abilities to be all we are created to be. We become driven from meaning and purpose rather than from superficiality.
- Do What You Can Do Now - Today! Yesterday is done, tomorrow is untold and Now is the gem. Utilize what you have and that which you have access. As we keep our feet moving we will see our projects grow and increase. We have all we need right now to begin, or continue our quest, or to pivot our direction.
Much Love, Joy, Peace & Abundance,
In the LivingSpirit I Am,
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