Marriage is a give and receive kind of deal – it takes compromise from BOTH parties involved. If you are unwilling to compromise you will more than likely find yourself lonely. It takes two people to marry, therefore the two involved will need to discuss the hard stuff, the ugly stuff as well as the good and fun stuff to make the marriage work; which then teaches and demonstrates effective ways of dealing with life's issues to the entire family. Your children will learn to handle differently, the situations that they encounter in their daily affairs. Your family's way of discussing topics and handling issues with more reasoning and acceptance will be heightened. It's a new year; try handling your issues in a different way - a lighter and more negotiable way.
Check yourself and take stock; are you wasting and/or abusing life with arguements, fighting and competitive crap; or are you investing in it? If you are investing in it, what are your investments? Are they positive thoughts and loving deeds? Are they meaningful teachings for your children? Are you growing healthily as a family whereby you may be completing physical workouts together? Are your energies focussed on the strength, health and vitalization of your partner and your family or are they antagonistic and bitterly exhaustive? Ask yourself, Do you need to cut your losses and work out a vitiation plan for the children or should you seek professional family or couples counseling? Only you know the answers but this is a new year and time is too PRECIOUS to keep doing the same old things unless the same old things are working for the highest good of everyone involved.
God has given us a mind to dip into the beautiful plethora of infinite possibilities. Start choosing together to partake in those which take you and your family forward; those that involve more and greater joy. Yes, work is a part of achieving the joy; therefore everyone will need to take a role in achieving the work and the challenges will need to be evenly distributed. Here's a thought: take turns exchanging tasks so that everyone involved gets the opportunity to work through different roles and not just the easy, enjoyable and glorious ones. Challenge yourself to make the less desireable tasks more tolerable and share (not push down the throat) your suggestions with your loved ones. I reiterate the word "share". Too often we can allow our ego which is eager to control to get in the way of lovingkindness and reason.Here's to the brand new couples who have made a vow to be the best team they can be in love, truth and respect. This message is sent with love to any couple, married or simply platonic friendships. See what you can do this year to make the relationship better, even if it is just one difference. Look ahead to the end of the scenario and discuss how you both want it to look in 1 month... 3 months...6 months and so on. Then return to it, work together and bring that scenario into reality. Stop allowing daytime and nightime television dramas and society's ill-adjusted conditioning dictate how your relationships will work. Your realationship is yours - take ownership and love it like only your unique self is instructed from within.
Blessings All ~
In the LivingSpirit,
Intuitive Life Coach, New Thought Minister, Public Speaker
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