Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where are you dwelling? I am not referring to your house made of mortar and stone. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a dwelling is a place in which to live. As a verb it means to "remain or be present in". Mentally we dwell by repeatedly placing our attention on specific focal points or patterns of thought time and time again. So I have to keep recognizing within myself 'what I am thinking about' and I have to ask 'is what I am thinking about that which I want to see in my actual experiences'? Am I present and giving my full attention to what is occurring in this moment or am I rumenating over some situation that occurred in the past or over some discomforting or disruptive condition; or am I putting my thoughts on the goodness of the One Power and Presence of God in which there is life, light and the way out of discomfort? Am I tending my flock of thoughts and making sure that I am keeping them on the path of right thinking, love, wisdom, beauty, positiveness, abundance, joy and peace or am I steeped in blaming, complaining, warring/violence, jealousy and hatred? Ask, yourself the question only if you want to do something meaningful with the answers which are sure to follow.

What we think about over and over, time and time again (repeatedly, indicating a dominate thought pattern) we attract into our experiences. So if we are not attracting desirable people, situations, and conditions we have some decluttering to do from our mental closets. Each and everyone of us has to do some decluttering.

Be honest with yourself because your answer will bring forth the opportunity for increased growth, greater awareness and greater authenticity or it will continue to spiral downward. Either way, the choice is ours. God is Light and there is no darkness in Its Presence. The right questions help us to understand and to become clear about our intent. Our intent then will drive us to whatever direction we set. So set (focus) your thoughts  on your purpose and your blessed beingness. Stay well All - Let's know for ourselves and for others that God is always providing for our good and for the unfoldment of our highest potential. Keep your head to the sky.
Love and Joy,
In the Living Spirit

Sunday, October 2, 2011

In the LivingSpirit

One with my Creative Source, God,  in this moment I decree oneness with the peace, joy and  harmony within the Universal Life Force. I am provided for abundantly and I know this for all who dwell in the Presence.

God  forgives me for putting anything else before the Truth that abides within. All things irrelevant to the Life Force of my being now falls completely away.

 May this bless and touch you in a new way that causes you to be kind and gentle to yourself while also reaching out and touching  someone else whom you do not already know or who presents a challenge to you. Send them a poem, a song, or maybe a picture of inspiration and kindness. Whatever you do, let it be guided by the LivingSpirit within you. Listen.  Pay attention to the Silence within your heart and mind. Let God's Love move you. 

I am thankful and at peace; knowing this to be so.

*I would love to receive your comments and feedback on my blog posts.

Peace, love and blessings in the LivingSpirit now and always.
Being breezey in the vapors,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Love's Emission

At the Johnnie Colemon Institute in Chicago I learned that Love is the idea in the Mind of God [and therefore in our own mind] of universal oneness. This energetic idea generates kindness, unselfishness, compassion, cooperation and goodwill within us so that their liknesses are emitted through us. As a result of allowing love's emission, we are attracted and magnetized to and harmonized with people, places and situations of likeness. It may take a while to really notice the likenesses, but expect it and keep refueling with loving ideas so that they are continually emitting through you. LOVE will have Its way all in due time because It is the essence of life.

Universal Law is, As within, so without! If we keep contemplating hate and things of its likeness (i.e. arguing, violence, disrespect, ugly name-calling, off-colored jokes, etc.), then hate-filled (hateful) is what we become. BUT when we contemplate LOVE: Love, kindness, unity, compassion, harmony and all of Love's relatives join our expression. Don't get it twisted, of course, there are unpleasant situations which require us to dig deeeeep within to tap the "L" spot; but that is what we're here to do. We are here to express our innate extraordinary nature, and we are the only ones, the only creatures who can. It takes all of us to tap in and we do it individual-by-individual. It's an individual choice and decision we make in any given moment.

In reading the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, I learned that "Love is the self-givingness of Spirit  through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation." For those of us who study the Bible, yes, Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit. Holmes states further that "Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible."  I say, Love is the universal irresistible harmonic force. We will live harmoniously irregardless as to what it will take for us to learn to willfully and wisely tap in and allow Love's sway to enliven us and to be our normal expression day-in and day-out.

The Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore tells us that love is "The pure essence of Being that binds together the whole human family" and that "Divine love is impersonal: it loves for the sake of loving". Let us be sure then to use wisdom in all that we do. Love does not absolve us of the use of wisdom, it beckons harmony and requires they be utilized hand-in-hand.
I learned that it is the Mind of God in which we live, move and have being and therefore there is no separation from our Creative Source. So, for me, it means that I can tap into God-in-me anywhere, any time; but I must choose to do so. When I choose to tap into the higher potential within me, then I will begin to resonate with royal qualitites of lifeThe same is true of us all. Try this exercise now. Sit quietly and think of a loving situation in which you experienced and felt confident, respected and mentally clear and aware.  Now, think about agape love (unconditional love) and what its means to you. Imagine this agape love as a light that has overtaken you and illuminates from you. Use this exercise often as you begin to see the transforming power of LOVE when you allow this awareness to come to your mind's eye and all over your being during those times when you may not feel at your best.

This is the day of transforming love.
BE your real loving self and may love always surround you.

In the Living Spirit,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pretty Wings

Today I have been in deep thought while listening to music and celebrating life. Among many things, here are a few thoughts which came to my awareness.

Let your ego know that your God-Self is always in charge and is the Chief Executive with Authority, working in, through and as you. Tell the ego, 'fall back into your rightful place', as many times as necessary for the demonstration to take hold. 

Our Creative Source supplies and provides for the fulfillment of our innermost and original desires when the spiritual, mental, intellectual, emotional and physical aspects of our being operate in integrity through the Christ consciousness - our divine nature. As we pray, meditate, and sit in the silence, we work to stay aligned in the perspective of oneness with our Creative Source. As a result of dwelling in oneness; we begin a continual unfoldment of layers of authenticity which show forth more and more of our true, divine nature. We begin to take off, ascending into flight with only one goal in sight: that of expressing God for the sake of being who we were created to be. 

Knowing God as Love, Life and Light, let's take a hint from recording artist Maxwell who said, “let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around”. Stay aligned with the Love, Life, and Light within you and take flight.
Happy Independence Day!
In the Living Spirit I Am.
Rev. Ethel

Friday, May 27, 2011

Go Within To Know

"To know the truth as so many words, quotations, passages, or theories is one thing; but it is an entirely different thing when through meditation, the Word takes root in our consciousness and comes forth as spiritual fruitage. We are told that the fruits of the Spirit are 'love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.' It is really true that when the Spirit has been touched or when It has touched us, then the fruitage comes forth in the form of harmony, wholeness, completeness and perfection." ~ The Art of Meditation by Joel S. Goldsmith ~
In your own moment be still and know the one Almighty God for yourself, by whatever name you call God. In doing so, all areas of your life can be positively affected; according to your belief. In times of seeming need, one will not have to run to get a crystal, or oils, or any other material symbols. Instead we will release doubt and partake in the consciousness to "Be still and know that I am God" right here "within". Nobody can take that gift away from us but it must be practiced so that we renew our strength and gain confidence in It. It is our birthright; therefore we are hard-wired at origin to be still and know God within and as we do the fruits and activity of Spirit show forth.
Blissful Blessings,
In the Living Spirit,
Rev. Ethel

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good Morning New Day

Good morning sunlight, you beautiful sight.
Good morning chatter birds,
you've started the day early and bright.
It is so nice to see a new day; now
what will I choose to do within it?
Good morning new day.

It's a new day and our options are many. Energy follows thought, so take care to deliberately be mindful of those things that you want to activate and apply voltage to in your life. May Divine Peace, Joy, Love and Beauty be clarified in our mind's eye so that they are richly amplified in our experiences. This is my prayer today.



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blessed To Express

Don’t get it twisted; you and I are blessed. We are blessed and sustained so that we can express the attributes and qualities of God, such as life, love, wisdom, power, beauty, joy, order, harmony, peace, compassion, loving kindness, etc. We are not blessed to flaunt, brag or show-off. God is always purposeful and the purpose is to sustain and prosper the whole body or the entire creation. When we genuinely feel good about ourselves we tend to interact more lovingly toward others including other forms of life such as plants and animals.

Be the blessing that you are right now in this moment. The Spirit of God speaks to us constantly. Be still and listen in this moment, to what and how you are to express. This is what I call “being”. Be open and receptive - knowing Spirit is always speaking to you. Be your authentic self by listening to the still small voice of Spirit. Now feel what each part of this message means to you personally so as to drink it in and digest it. Visualize on your mental screen what these attributes look like on you. Give yourself a "Mo'Nique hug" by wrapping your arms around your body and squeezing "real tight" and feel the sensation that a tender, loving hug delivers.

Bravely take this self-love out and let it reflect in your day. It takes courage to be authentic, listening to and deliberately expressing the LivingSpirit. Oh, I know it's not easy; but it gets easier each time we do it and each time we let it be well with our soul. It's a risk but true love makes a way.

Truth is my expression this moment.
Be breezy in the flow of our LivingSpirit.
Ethel, in the LivingSpirit

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Golden Life

Are you living life like it's golden?

If not...why?

If not now...when?

Do you even have any idea as to what "a golden life" means or how that looks to you?

Life is golden; if we see it [perceive it] that way. Neither your golden life nor mine has anything to do with the way someone else lives theirs. Our golden life, first, is a state of mental awareness. Can you see it...that way? The gold is within you, me and all beings. When we can see the true gold inside, it radiates so brightly and so powerfully that it cannot be confined or contained. The outward illumination spills onto everyone and everything we encounter even in the bleakest appearing situations and experiences. Let's hold on as long as we can until it becomes our reality.

Be still and know I am God; the true Gold-God-within.
Lovin' in Gold,

Ethel, In The Living Spirit,

Thursday, March 10, 2011


The suggested song for upliftment today is “Alright” by Ledisi. Know it’s alright, whatever you may be encountering. Know that the Divine and Infinitely Intelligent Mind which is All-Powerful is at work and nobody can turn It off except each of us within our own thinking and feeling (our mental capacities). When we are holding onto the right thoughts in our mind, and in our images, and in our prayers, and in our actions to one another, and in our speech to one another then it’s going to be alright. Appearances and subsequent situations pass, but our holding power to right thoughts, right feelings, right words, right images, right actions is strengthened and multiplied in the substratum or the permanent substance of God: the Divine Mind within and all around us- everywhere present.

When we keep a diligent practice of the Presence; we quickly learn that all things are working together for our highest good. More and more every day we are learning to discern and clearly distinguish for ourselves just who and what to include in our experiences. Songstress Yolanda Adams told us years ago that “It’s already alright” but you and I have to keep doing the mental work to embody the essential ideas which then absolutely clothe and manifest the physical outpicturing.

Let’s know its Alright. Some of the "stuff" we’re allowing to occupy our mental screens are meaningless, non-beneficial, distractions leading to situations we do not want to experience. Let that which moves you to a better and higher expression occupy your thoughts and feel the love, the joy, the peace and the bliss that Divine Mind is always, providing for, to, and through each of us; each moment we allow ourselves to stop and know our true connection and identity. Divine MInd is creative and is always working Its creative power through us and It does so without ceasing, and without coaxing. It does so for the sake of loving for this is Its nature and it is also therefore our nature (if we but hold onto it).

Hm-m-m-m ... think about it. Could this be what "in the name of Jesus" means in our practical daily, person-to-person application? Hold onto the name (nature, character) of Love, Peace, Beauty, Joy, Harmony, Integrity, Order and all that is Holy and Divine.

It's Alright!

Go to YouTube and take a listen to Ledisi and Yolanda Adams.

In the LivingSpiritIam.

Joy was made for all of us, not just a few.

Happiness is a choice. Choose Joy! Live well and be happy!
Ethel Russell-Ajisomo, Min., M.A.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Embracing heaven in 2011

Happy New Year!

Be phenomenally blessed to dwell in your spiritual domain and to maneuver in divine harmony.

May this be a year of dauntless and remarkable blessings…that success be revealed in every step you take and every major undertaking you pursue.

May we embrace and take hold of the Christ consciousness at deepened levels which lifts us to grand heights. May we be strengthened to do what is necessary to sustain higher levels of attainment and may we be ever so CLEAR as to what to think, feel, say and do each and every moment in our walk with the Living Spirit and Life Force.

It is 2011. Let us embrace heaven and take hold of the divine ideas like never before as we continually gain the staying power and wherewithal to let our actions show forth the fruitful use of these divine ideas . May God's "Will be done in earth as it is in heaven" as taught in Matthew 6:10 (KJV).

In the Christ Presence I speak and decree, knowing the Lord [which means Law ] to be the fulfiller, the revealer, the Giver, the Generous! Amen.

If you agree then affirm it so! If not, take what you can and leave the rest.

"We are already BLESSED by the Best, with the best, for our best to be revealed through our attitudes, thoughts and actions." (Neelie)

In the LivingSpirit,
