Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Your mission is your message.

No more getting into the gutter and colluding with the others who really do not take their life's mission seriously. Climbing into the figurative bed of lowering our thoughts and energy level by gossiping, complaining, griping and speaking ugly, negative messages to show someone that you want to be their friend or to be affiliated with them in any way is not indicative of the exemplary unique and powerful individuals that we are created to be and therefore truly not worthy of developing relationship.

Go forth into this good day continuously marking your territory with and leaving a path of greatness. What we repeatedly think about, gets bigger and becomes our experience. Magnify the good and wonderful things that you want to experience and see your mission boldly unfold with excellence and truth of which you are destined.

When we begin to make our truth known is when the dynamics of living life with boldness begins. Not everyone will agree with you; in fact there will seem to be no more colluding under the guise of "friendship" or "group affiliation". Stay the course and own your truth; be yourself for nobody else can represent who you are and what you were uniquely created to express.

Good day!


  1. Wonderful and uplifting! Glad to see you posting! Write on!

  2. Hello Ethel
    How true,when our walk with God lifts us up and takes us even higher and farther then we'll soon find out who our real friends are. but since we belong to him this will not matter for God is unlimited and he will never leave us!!! I do appreciate your visit and thaks for your comment on my sight,have a wonderful day Ethel God bless you'
    Numbers 6:24~26
