Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Monday, May 31, 2010

Contemplate: oneness with the Creative Source

Are you growing? Growing is about movement from one point to another in a forward motion; taking the situations in which we find ourselves and using them or applying them toward a new desired application or model. It is about learning from the situations in which we find ourselves and getting out of the wirlwind which just continuously goes round and round. Growth is about transferring knowledge from one situation to another for translation intended for improvement and the betterment of a situation. The very definition of grow means to "spring up and develop to maturity". Ask yourself the question 'what am I here to express'; more importantly, begin to answer thought-by-thought, image-by-image, spoken word-by-spoken word, and action-by-action: this greatness is what my life is about.

As we contemplate on the Creative Source of Life the answer begins to manifest through our every expression. To contemplate means [to view or consider with continued attention, to meditate on]. You see, we can do nothing of true importance without acknowledging the Creative Source, irregardless as to what we name it. We can do nothing without the Creative Source because we are nothing without It.

Our growth is the projection of our private devotion. What are you entertaining in your thinking--in your mental realm? Think on the qualities of life that you want to experience such as beauty, love, joy, peace, integrity, wisdom, poise, abundance, sharing, kindness. These are some of the attributes of God the Creative Source and Substance in which we have beingness. This means we must be in the flow or on the same page with this Energy before we can activley and consciously participate with the Will of our Source with any regularity or consistency. We must learn everything we can about the QUALITIES, and ATTRIBUTES of God which tells us exactly who we are in miniature individuality. Our growth and maturity in the Living Spirit depends on our daily practice of oneness. Contemplation on our oneness with God is our daily practice and brings forth our daily bread which in turn delivers our provision.

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