Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Giving Back to The One Who Sent Me

Life is about giving; giving our all back to God which gives to us incessantly. Here is my all today God...How can I serve YOU today sweet SPIRIT? Here are my hands, my feet, my eyes and my ears; tell me what and I will use the power that YOU are in me to do YOUR WILL.

I was lifted from a long way down today and I am so very thankful to be present yet another moment to be the expression of the Almighty that sent me. Wired within me is the living Christ to righteously guide and direct the completion of my tasks. How blessed I am to know this: it is indeed the ultimate priceless gift!

Today, I was given that "bounce-back" effect that only God can give. Bounce-back for what you may ask? The answer is bounce-back for this current moment's expression and the awareness that each moment I live for God. God is a right now, in the present God; not an in the past nor for the future Power, but the Power that is happening through each one of us Now. God Power is the essence in our mind, hands, feet, arms --our entire being "RIGHT NOW!"

I am a writer for God...a computer user for encourager for God, a Spiritual Counselor and Coach for God. I live, move and have my being in the Cosmic Christ Presence and I am glad about it.

Somebody receive this now. How About You?
In the Living Spirit I Am.

1 comment:

  1. Heyyyyyy Ethel you sound very "Happy"!!! And that truly is good enjoying the Lord! There is nothing like it Amen.
    Love ya
