Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Golden Life

Are you living life like it's golden?

If not...why?

If not now...when?

Do you even have any idea as to what "a golden life" means or how that looks to you?

Life is golden; if we see it [perceive it] that way. Neither your golden life nor mine has anything to do with the way someone else lives theirs. Our golden life, first, is a state of mental awareness. Can you see it...that way? The gold is within you, me and all beings. When we can see the true gold inside, it radiates so brightly and so powerfully that it cannot be confined or contained. The outward illumination spills onto everyone and everything we encounter even in the bleakest appearing situations and experiences. Let's hold on as long as we can until it becomes our reality.

Be still and know I am God; the true Gold-God-within.
Lovin' in Gold,

Ethel, In The Living Spirit,

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