Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fait accompli

A fait accompli is a thing accomplished and is presumably irreversible. My sister and I recently completed a marathon in Seattle. I completed the half marathon (13.1 miles) and my sister completed the full marathon (26.2 miles).
This was such a victory for me because there were about 10 hills (major inclines) throughout the course. I had always had a mental block concerning hills. But each hill gave me a greater sense of acceptance, value and understanding. My faith was strengthened and deepened with each step I took. I grew closer and closer in Spirit and in motion to the ever living and ever loving invisible OmniPresence of Good that exists and causes us to be.
We are made in the image and after the likeness of extraordinary Power, Intelligence and Love. And our acknowledging and appreciating this truth is expressed by being the living testimony through our actions, behavior, deeds, thoughts and words.
It is true our personalities must be Spiritualized; and mine unequivocably proclaims "I am a God loving person". Let us all Know it, follow it and live it with all of our being.

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