Inspiring word!

"The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is." Author: James Dillet Freeman

Monday, February 22, 2010

2010 Plunge into Favor

Plunge into your greatness with more vim and vigor than ever before knowing the Essence within you is of God and is your vital life force. It is this which provides the raw materials for our creative mentality and endeavors.

Only by getting still, and letting go of all thoughts of lack, unworthiness and negativity can we really know that we have all that we need right here in the moment. Take a deep whiff of the Living and Pure Spirit which breaths us all and moves us all and activates all. God does not favor one over the other. We walk in favor when we identify with the qualities and character of our Source. This is the truth of our beingness. The more that we recognize that we are one with God, the more we are consequently fed mentally, spiritually, and physically the Essential Substance that lies back of all life's endeavors.

Yep! Highly favored are we! ... but one has to know who one is to know the favor.

Our charge in life is to plunge into the divine favor that is infinite and all pervasive good. That means, this good is within and all around us. Until we look within and spend some time there, listening to the Divine's inner and personal message to us; we will have difficulty taking the plunge into favor. But, when we get still and listen, we will find that not only are we here to take the plunge, but we are here to do it because it fortifies and blesses the greater good of all spiritual/human beings. We are not here for selfish and self-centered reasons. The whole body is always the concern of the Lord (Divne Law -God in action).

"...All things work together for good of them that love the Lord (the Law --God in Action). But the responsible part of that scripture is "for those who love the Lord and are called unto His purpose" We are called unto a purpose; let us walk by faith in the awareness that our time is now because there is no other time.

Get still, (meditate) and learn of God's purpose for your life. We are here to fully express greatness and excellence which is of our true nature; rather than spew out the lies that we have allowed to poison our minds as learned by the external world. This is what God is - EXCELLENCE. There is nothing mediocre in or about God; only in those small limited minds which are not aligned with Truth and the Will or Way of the Divine Mind.

Come on...get aligned; take the 2010 plunge. We are the excellence of God in expression and in action or we are the expression of a lie. It's all about you! It is our choice as to with what we fill our minds and allow to be expressed through our behavior; either the qualites of Divine Mind or the lies of the world. It is our choice.

You've tried everything else now try God-Essence-within you.

Love and Light always,

Rev. Ethel

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